
Want to Customize Your Solar Energy Supply System?

solar farm

Solar energy is affected by regular changes in geography, day and night, and seasons, as well as random factors such as clouds and rain, and the energy density is low, usually less than one kilowatt per square meter. In order to ensure the stable operation of solar energy utilization, storage devices are needed to store solar energy and release it when it is insufficient to meet the need for continuous and stable supply of energy for production and living. 

What if your home’s electricity needs change over time?


WinSeven’s batteries are uniquely modular and scalable. That means your energy storage system can be sized to match and optimize your electrical loads as your home, family or lifestyle changes. If your energy usage increases with time you can easily and seamlessly add more PHI batteries to your existing storage bank.

Can WinSeven ensure your medical devices won’t lose power?

Absolutely. When it comes to critical medical equipment, such as respirators, C-PAP machines and more, power security is essential. With a WinSeven back up system and 8kw off grid solar system in place, you can be confident that your health and well being will be continuously protected in the event of a power outage or emergency. Very often, a whole home system is not required. We also offers mobile, plug-and-play emergency kits that provide power wherever you need it.

How long can WinSeven batteries power your home?


It depends. Every WinSeven storage system is sized to match the electrical loads you determine are critical to maintain either during a power outage or if off-grid, during a 24-hour timeframe in conjunction with your PV or other generation assets. Our applications engineers work with licensed installers to size the battery bank to meet your electrical requirements, no matter what the use case, on-grid or off.

If you have solar on my home. Why would you need storage?


For grid-tied homes with solar arrays, most customers don’t realize that when the grid goes down, the PV array goes down with it. Having solar batteries allows your home to “island” from the grid in the event of a power outage, keeping your PV generation available to charge the batteries as well meet the electrical loads required to power your home.

What is solar farm?


Solar farm is known as a solar power plant, is a large-scale installation that uses sunlight to produce electric power. The “farm” part of the name comes from the idea of “harvesting” sunlight, as well as the resemblance of some power plants to fields full of crops. The typical solar farm will use one of two different methods to produce power: photovoltaic cells or concentrated solar thermal energy.

What are Photovoltaic (PV) solar farms?

Photovoltaic (PV) solar farms take advantage of the photoelectric effect to convert light into electricity. They usually consist of vast numbers of PV solar cells collected into arrays. Since the amount of energy that can be produced is dependent upon the amount of sunlight that can be collected, a PV solar farm may have tens or hundreds of thousands of solar arrays laid out over large tracts of land. The arrays are usually individually mounted and are programmed to tilt to follow the sun as its angle changes. This movement allows the panels to capture the maximum intensity of sunlight throughout the day. An innovation that will continue to reduce the average cost for solar.

Solar panels for energy storage

An array of solar panels is pointed at the sun to absorb solar energy.
Solar thermal farms harness the power of the sun in a different way. At a thermal solar farm, sunlight is focused using lenses or reflectors at one or more locations, and is used to raise the temperature of a liquid, usually an oil. That liquid will be used to run a more traditional generator, often by boiling water to drive a steam turbine. There is more variation in structure at solar thermal farms than there is for PV farms — some have individual reflectors that each heat its own small area, while others have many mirrors all focused at a single point, often a tower or other elevated location.

A closeup of a solar panel

Solar farms are usually located in flat areas, as building on level ground eliminates efficiency-reducing shadows. The best locations will also have clear skies and strong sunlight, though excessive heat can reduce the efficiency. Because they take up so much space, many solar farms are built in desert areas to avoid using up arable land. In addition, the intensity of sunlight varies depending on where on Earth the farm is built; locations near the Equator will have stronger light than those closer to the north or south poles, and will thus produce more energy.

Solar dishes can have working temperatures that exceed 1,380 degrees Fahrenheit.

Solar farm uses a renewable resource to produce electricity. Solar power is therefore usually considered to be better for the environment. In some cases, however, there has been concern over the environmental impact from building the plants, as their setup requires significant resources.